Sunday, March 29, 2009

The times I still don't sleep

Generally, the times I haven’t slept as well over the past 2 months have been the days that I’ve had a fair amount of sugar during the day – a chocolate bar, or a sweet drink. But I spent last week at my parents’ home – on what I saw as a relaxing holiday – and stopped sleeping. I was enjoying a break from study, pleased to be sleeping in my childhood bed, and happy to be spending the week with my parents and old friends. However the first night home I slept for 5 hours (not out of the ordinary), the second night for only 3 hours, and the third night I didn’t sleep at all. Because I wanted to enjoy my holiday, I took sleeping pills - Imovane - for the remaining 3 nights (a few hours into the night, after trying to fall asleep on my own).

I want to understand why my sleeping deteriorated last week. I crossed time zones (2hrs difference), but I don’t think this contributed, as I got a reasonable sleep on the first night home. What I think may have been made the difference is not eating as well as usual, and not taking the “women’s balance” supplement. (I forgot to bring it with me, and couldn’t find it there). I can’t come up with any other plausible contributing factors. That I stopped sleeping at my parents’ suggests that the “women’s balance” is making an important difference to my sleep, as usually when I don’t eat well I still get some sleep. Interestingly, the “women’s balance” supplement is one of the key supplements targeting the balance of female hormones.

As for all my posts, I'm keen to hear any comments/suggestions you may have.


  1. I found this blog from a PCOS board that you are on...could you please provide more specific information about the "women's balance" supplement you are on? More specifically, the exact name and where you purchase it? Thanks!

  2. Sure - the "women's balance" supplement is made by Fusion Health, which I think is an Australian company. You can probably order it over the net. Check it out here:

    If you do start taking it, I'd love to know whether you find it useful.

    I'll post more details on all the supplements in the next day or two.

  3. When I read your brief history of your insomnia it sounded like my own diary - for the last 3 years I've been unable to sleep night after night until I am crying with frustration, exhausted and irrational. I became very depressed, I've also put on weight just around my middle (I look 6 months pregnant) and my periods have gone completely irregular. Tonight I have been crying because I've had no period for 2 months again. My doctor initially told me to go on a diet, then sent me to see a gastro-enterologist who suspects I have IBS. However I only recently made the link with my irregular periods and now suspect it maybe PCOS that is the root cause of all my problems. I'm really interested in your dietary changes and supplements as I believe these are more beneficial than taking pharmaceutical drugs. I guess you're in Australia, I'm in the UK, but I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your blog as it has helped me make a link between PCOS and my insomnia and bloating. I'd be interested on an update of how you're doing now.

  4. Hi there - thanks for your post. I hope things are going better for you now. I'll update soon with how I'm going.
